Happydemic Wellbeing Consulting

Success starts with

holistic wellbeing

Happydemic wellbeing programs are tailored to bring out the best in your people, help them perform at their peak potential, and thrive in the face of challenges.

Here’s the disconnect: when most companies think about wellbeing, they’re thinking flexible work hours, health insurance plans, or yoga classes.

And yet, employees still experience stress and adverse mental and physical health. Clearly, the fancy perks and activities that have become the industry status quo aren’t helping employees who get overly stressed at work.

The biggest challenge? The norm is still using traditional, one size fits all methods to address the needs of the evolved workplace. It’s time for a different approach. Happydemic Wellbeing programs are designed to go beyond the basics to give you a strategy for comprehensive and customised care; not just for physical wellbeing, but far more: mental, physical, emotional, social, environmental, financial, and digital among others.

Our programs are scientifically validated and evidence based, following the world’s best practices to achieve sustainable success.

Wellbeing is not an expense.
It's an investment for the future.

Research from Harvard Business Review shows that for every $1 spent on wellbeing interventions, it yielded $6 in healthcare savings. Yet, 70% of employees expect more mental health support from their employer (Cigna, 2020) while 70% of organisations do not have a designated strategy and budget for health and wellness (Aon, 2020). Wellbeing and engagement go hand in hand; employees with high wellbeing are twice as likely to bring themselves to work, be highly engaged, enjoy it, and find pride and purpose in their jobs. Gallup found that teams who score in the top 20% in engagement realise a 41% reduction in absenteeism, and 59% less turnover.

This is what our findings and on the ground experience confirm: those with a high level of personal wellbeing are likely to achieve significantly better results.

Investing in wellbeing isn’t just a “nice thing to do” any more; it has clear business value and is crucial for your success. The best time to invest in wellbeing is now, to improve your present and pave the way for a better future. Continuing to treat wellness as non-essential and optional is akin to leaving money on the table. One thing is clear…

You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.

The Happydemic Approach

Get a 100% Customised Plan

Get a one of a kind program utilising a range of clinical and holistic interventions based on your organisation's needs

Take Data Driven Decisions

Use industry leading assessments, research, and tools to understand the issues and scale easily to tackle them

See Real, Tangible Results

Start seeing the benefits of meeting wellbeing needs based on fact, not fiction! Get measurable improvements over time

Our Comprehensive Wellbeing Consulting + Programs

We will develop and execute a world class, research and data driven wellbeing program for you, addressing the individual, team, and organisational streams. We use a pioneering approach to enhancing physical health, mental health, and wellbeing that considers all factors including facilitators, obstacles, and risks.

The program will be delivered in a way that maximises your chance of success in increasing and sustaining employees’ wellbeing through regular weekly/monthly workplace nudges, experiences demonstrating behavioural change, to workplace support, individual and group coaching, lifestyle interventions, and virtual/physical events.

You will see applied organisational psychology, positive psychology, behavioural change models, prevention models, and mindfulness in action with clear pathways for leadership, management, and employees.

Happydemic Wellbeing Consulting IS FOR YOU IF you want to...

We have experience with...


With internal and external stakeholders, including partners and vendors

Individual and Team Coaching

Providing ongoing help on the job to individuals/your internal wellbeing team for sustainability

Designing Frameworks

For wellbeing, culture, talent management, employee experience, and Strategy

Project Management

Implementing programs at scale (600+ pax at a leading govt. entity in Abu Dhabi, UAE)

Program Management

Branding, narratives, marketing, townhalls, events etc. at leading govt. entity in Abu Dhabi, UAE

ISO 45003 Certification for Wellbeing*

We will help your organisation get certified for implementing effective controls to eliminate or manage psychosocial risks
(*coming soon)

We value your values.

Having worked right from the individual level to the highest echelons of government, we recognise that wellbeing programs will only be effective and sustainable when they align with your values – not just with the organisation, but at a personal level as well. That’s why identifying and respecting your values is baked into our process and at the heart of every engagement.

We take special care to ensure that any action oriented strategy for holistic wellbeing that we implement in collaboration with you recognises what you stand for and that all levels of people, from employees to middle management and leadership, are aligned to be able to get results.

“Take care of your employees, and they’ll take care of your business. It’s as simple as that.” – Sir Richard Branson.
Ready to drive your organisation towards massive success?

For decades, we have helped elite organisations around the globe improve performance via wellbeing. Now, it’s your turn.

Before You Leave

Get the first chapter of my book Happydemic to get started on becoming the architect of your future and spreading sustainable happiness!